Wednesday, October 19, 2005

        Let us talk about life today. Sometimes I begin to wonder what is life? Why am I living? Why am I on this earth? Has GOD put me here for a special purpose or its just sheer turn of events which resulted in the creation of myself. Life is as mysterious as living. Some say that the chief aim of life is moksha. Others say its reproduction. Some even say that some lifes are there to help others live better. The more people you ask, the more variety of comments you will get.
        Lets put life in a brighter perspective. Life is there to be lived. Now the question comes, how can you define a life as a nicely lived one. Various people may have various points on this topic. I leave this to the comments on this blog. Talking about what I believe, I believe that Life is supposed to be fun. Now how do you define fun. It is anything which you like to do. For some movies are fun. For others, travelling or spending time with loved ones is fun. It can be just anything.
        It is written in Bhagwad Gita that One should go on doing ones work without worrying about the result. This phrase seemed very wierd to me from childhood. How can anyone keep on doing the work without a fixed goal or purpose. It can be taken in another way that one can do anything without caring about the consequences of his work. These are just interpretations of an immature mind. If we go deep into the meaning of the phrase, we find that it has much more hidden in it that what can be seen superficially. It shows us the path to happiness. It says that the goal we reach is of little consequence as we will be there only for a short time before moving onwards towards the next goal. We spend most of the time trying to achieve these goals. So, life is comprised not of goals but of paths we take to reach them. Thus we should not care about what we are getting but how we are getting. This reminds me of another phrase. "Alls well that ends well". No, I am not talking about the end of life but about the end of the goals in life.
        Ever seen a little child crying. Ever seen a bitch feeding its little ones. Ever seen a monkey removing insects from the skins of its family members. Ever seen a herd of elephants protecting the members of its herd from carnivores. Ever seen a coolie lifting loads on his head to make his and his family's two ends meet. These are all different aspects of life. Life gives you hardships and sweet moments. It is upto you how you view each event and react to it.
        Sometimes it feels as if there is nothing as happiness in life. This may be true to some aspect but this is because the person concerned is not letting happiness into his life. There is nothing as darkness. The absence of light is darkness. The same funda applies to heat and coldness. Similarly, when we view life in this prospect, we see that the absence of happiness is sadness. So, if you keep happiness at a hands distance from yourself, you will definitely feel sad.
        So, the question comes what should we do about it. I think that we should do what we want to do as long as it does not become the element of sadness for another being. If you wanna dance, dance like no one is watching you. If you wanna sing, sing like you have the greatest voice in the world. I like to write blogs. So, I am writing this blog....not caring if you are getting bored reading this stuff. It is all a matter of option. If you like reading it, just read it. If you don't, close the window or else put some suggestion on my writing and the other philosophical topics I should touch upon.
        And as usual, to end with a quote.... The quote must have something to do with life. Cannot think of one fast. Hmmm..... Let me think. Yes!!! Got it.

"Har pal yahan, jee bhar jiyo
Jo hai samaa, Kal ho na ho"

(Live every moment to the fullest,
Who knows what tomorrow may bring)


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