Friday, December 23, 2005

A very Merry christmas to all reading this blog of mine. Its festive season again. Santa is coming "knock knock" knocking on your door. Bringing presents for the children and joy to everyones heart. Really, we desperately need a Santa in today's world.

So what are you people going to do this christmas season. Make a christmas tree? Bake a cake? Clean the house? Or just sit in front of the idiot box and relax on the couch all day, thinking about all the good things other people have in their lives and you don't. Well, this is not the way to celebrate an off day from office. But who cares, it is just a sunday and I am not getting any extra holiday. But what would I have done if I got one. Passed it away sitting in front of the idiot box on my couch. Ya, that's what I would have done.

Hey Santa. Are you reading this blog. Nah! I don't think so. I never believed that you existed in real world. Moreover I doubt if you have net access :). Anyways, even if you are reading this, what can you give me. Can you give me a longer holiday with my parent at my native place? Can you give me better food to eat everyday? Can you give me a better luck in all the things I do? Can you give me friends who are always there when I need them the most? Can you give me ........? Well the list goes too long. And it may turn controversial in the end. Santa, I think you must be dealing with material things. But what is the use of such things if you cannot enjoy them.

Well Santa, even if you are reading this blog of mine, you must have got really bored and thinking of skipping my chimney. Not your fault Santa. "Main pessimist nahin hun, haalaat ne mujhe pessimist bana diya hai :)". Well, now lets see at the better things

Another free day. I can learn to cook a new dish. I can learn a new song on my guitar. I can ride my bike through the city with my friends. I can check-out a new restaurant in town. Or, I can finish a novel from the set of novels yet to be read. Oh yes, I can even come to office and write a blog.

At last, I have reached a decision. I will be bringing the CD of my favourite movie "Love Actually" and watch it at a stretch. It also has a nice song related to christmas which goes like this.

"All I want for Christmas
is you"

May all your wishes come true (including mine :)).

Monday, December 12, 2005

The Butterfly Effect

Hey butterfly, why are you flying around. What are you doing in my garden. Everyday, I watch you flying into my garden like a thief or may be an angel (quietly and unnoticed) and fly around for quite a while. Oh! I guess you have come here just to have some nectar from my flowers. My garden is nice, isn't it. But, you too look so pretty in those colors of your wings. Hey butterfly, come near me. Why are you afraid. Oh! You must be afraid. No one can be trusted upon nowadays. They may catch you and keep you keep you locked up in a cage. But is it always the case!! Hey butterfly, take the sweetest nectar from the sweetest of my flowers. Its all yours. After all, nature has chosen you at this stage of the food chain. But why do you always fly away from me when I get near you.

I seem to spend more time in my garden just to have a glimpse of your act. It seems that I am taking less care of my flowers as have been devoting more time to you. But, I think that nature has this in store for me. It seems as if nature has put a blindfold on me and asked you and all beings of your species to fly around me. But as I grope in darkness to have a touch of you, you seems to fly away. The more I try, the farther you go. Hey butterfly, why do you fly away?

I seem to go back to the deep and pensive mood where I have always been. But, sometimes, the beauty of your wings puts back a smile onto my face. You seem to me like a television or else GOD, who can only be perceived but not felt. So, what should I do? I promise to grow more flowers in my garden so that you do not have a shortage of nectar even on the toughest of the days. Hey butterfly, in return I want only one thing. Promise me that you will keep visiting my garden till the day flowers keep growing in it.

Oh my, I realize that I may be unknowingly killing your aspirations of moving to better, more colorful gardens where you will enjoy more. Hey butterfly, seek more destinations. Move on; because that's life. Enjoy each day to the fullest. But remember to remember me whenever you come across a garden like mine. Hey butterfly, remember the days when I worked hard to grow flowers to feed you with the finest of the nectars. Remember the days when you used to visit my garden.

Hey butterfly, open your wings and soar high in the air. Reach the top of the world. I pray to GOD.

"Oh, Think Twice, Its just another day
for you and me in paradise"

We live our life as we want to live. Actually, most of us do so. But have you ever thought of the less fortunate ones!! This blog goes as a tribute to those who are less fortunate and would see our lives as living in paradise (really!!).

The story goes back a few months back when I was in bangalore. I was in a melancholy mode as something bad had happened. (Not to be mentioned here as it would be out of context). I was just staring out of the window. Looking out to the people of the world. They seemed to be so happy. It seemed as if I have been assigned the responsibility of carrying all the sadness of the world. Oh! it was so depressing. It become more so depressing when you cannot tell it to anyone and if you do, you are sure that nobody will be listening to you.

Lets get back to the topic. So, I was just staring out of the window and I saw a woman walking on the road with three of her kids. The woman had some "potli" on her head which she was holding with one hand while clutching to the hand of the smallest kid. The rest of the two kids were just walking along with her. I noticed that the whole group stopped at regular intervals and then started again. I was amazed by this act. I thought that I should see why they are doing so.

I saw that they had only one pair of slippers in all and they were taking turns in wearing it. My heart went "Aaaaaaah!!!!". I felt like donating my slippers to the group. But stop, what about me. Am I really living in paradise???? It seems so. So, why am I sad???? Seems no reason. Hope someday I will be able to solve the puzzle. Till then, whenever I am in lonely and pensive mood, I look at my feet and say yes, I still have them covered with shoes. Thank you GOD for this day in paradise....

Saturday, December 10, 2005


Various people hate various sounds. Do you know which sound I hate? I hate the sound of shutting down of a CPU cooler fan. Ya its true.... The sound seems like end of the world. As if, I have gone deaf or the world has just been destroyed.
Gotta go...Baaki baad mein. Bye.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Hi All, this is Dholu back into Rahul's space. For those who do not know me, u can think of me as Rahul's guarding angel (introduced in a previous blog). Let me tell you a story about Rahul's childhood. Very few people know about it.

Rahul was very fond of crayons as a child. He drew many drawings and aspired to be a painter. He drew mainly scenaries. The one most children draw. A hut with mountains in the background. A river flowing past the house. A tree standing beside it. The sun shining in the middle of two conical shaped mountains. Ya, so conical that one would not be able to sit at its peak (people joked). But, one thing Rahul never missed was smoke coming out of the chimney of the house. Some clouds and birds were also added for the sake of completeness. One thing Rahul dreaded to draw was living things. How hard is it to draw people??? Well, you will not be able to find a single on in Rahul's drawings.

But Rahul was never satisfied with these petty drawings. He used to think big. Think of something more. Something which people will not be able to ignore. In those days, we used to live in a rented house which had painted peeling of from all places. Ya, it was painted long back. An idea struck Rahul soon. He thought that he can use his crayons to paint the whole house. This way, he will be doing something useful and it will be grand as well. He discussed his idea with a few people in the house. Everyone said "nice". Who will believe a 5 year old if he tells you that he will be painting the whole house for you!!! The point to note was that no one thought that painting can be done by crayons ;)

Rahul took the comments of his elders as motivation and chalked out a plan to paint the whole house. "So, which room to start with", he thought. He chose his own room as he used to spent most of the time there only.

It was night. School was over. Homework was finished. Dinner session had been completed. Now, sleep time was approaching; but Rahul had other plans. He took his box of crayons and chose a color carefully. "Should it be green or blue?", he thought. Finally, he settled for yellow. The painting began without much thinking. Just move to a wall within your reach and start painting. The painting could not continue for a long time as a shrill cry was heard from someone around. Rahul was startled by that. The crayon fell to the ground. Then started a round of beating and cries. The painting job took a break and the break seemed to last forever. ;) Rahul remained in the same house for the next 10 years and the markings on the wall remained with him, reminding him of his determination to do something big in life. May God help him do so.